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How to Install Mastodon on Ubuntu 16.04

June 6, 2017

Mastodon is a free and open source social network platform very similar to the Twitter. Anyone can run Mastodon and participate in running a social network seamlessly. It is written in Ruby and JavaScript. In this tutorial, we will install Mastodon in Ubuntu 16.04 server. Requirements A server running Ubuntu 16.04. A normal user with […]

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How to Install Wagtail CMS on CentOS 7

June 6, 2017

Wagtail is a free and open source Content Management System written in Python and built on Django. It is simple, fast, beautiful and provides a fast attractive interface for editors. Wagtail is a flexible Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience. It comes with lots of features, some of them are listed […]

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How to Install Erlang on Ubuntu 16.04

June 5, 2017

Erlang is a general-purpose programming language or runtime environment designed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory. In the Erlang runtime environment the code is compiled to bytecode and runs inside a virtual machine. So Erlang much like Java can run anywhere. It was originally designed for soft real-time applications where you need to handle connections […]

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WordPress – How to set Featured Images in Bulk Posts

June 2, 2017

WordPress introduced the Post Thumbnails feature in version 2.9. In version 3.0, it was swiftly changed to Featured Image and has remained that way since then. A featured image is an image that is associated with a particular post. Imagine reading an online news magazine that has no image at all. You would be wondering, […]

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WordPress – Grid Design and Pagination

June 2, 2017

Steve Jobs once said that design is not just about how something looks, but also how it works. While that’s true, the reality is that people think more of appearance when we talk about design than the inner workings of an object. “Woops that site has a really amazing design”, well, meaning it has an […]

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A Tutorial on Getting Started With Angular 2 and TypeScript

June 2, 2017

What is AngularJS? AngularJS is a javascript framework that is mostly used by software developers to create web applications. It has evolved to angular2 which had incorporated object oriented programming in it’s design, making it easy and quicker for web developers. One of the most recommended ways for one to get started with angular 2 […]

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How to Install Serendipity CMS on Ubuntu 16.04

June 2, 2017

Serendipity is a free and open source web-based content management system available under a BSD license. It is written in PHP and uses PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite database backends. Serendipity comes with more than 80 official templates so your can completely customize your web site as per your requirements. Serendipity is available in English, German, Danish, […]

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How to Install Zurmo CRM on Ubuntu 16.04 Server

June 2, 2017

Zurmo is a free, open source and customisable customer relationship management system for small businesses that can be adapted to a range of different business cases. Zurmo CRM is a web based application that combines project management, marketing automation, and sales software into a single solution. Zurmo CRM comes with lots of features, some of […]

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How to Install OpenCart on Ubuntu 16.04

June 2, 2017

OpenCart is a free open source e-commerce software for a better shopping cart solution. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL to store data. It is one of the most popular eCommerce software suitable for a small and medium online businesses. You can easily manage orders, products and categories using OpenCart. OpenCart provides thousands […]

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How to Install Gogs on Ubuntu 16.04

June 2, 2017

Gogs is a free and open source self-hosted Git service written in the Go programming language. It is very similar to GitLab and aims to be the easiest and most painless way to set up self-hosted Git service in your development environment. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Gogs with Apache as […]

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How to Install and Setup Mantis Bug Tracker on Ubuntu 16.04

June 2, 2017

Mantis BT is a free and feature-rich bug tracking web based application tool that provides a delicate balance between simplicity and power. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases to store its data. Mantis BT can be installed on Ubuntu, Centos, Windows, OS X and many more. Some of […]

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WordPress – How to add a Powerful Search Capability

May 31, 2017

From the Dogpiles to the AltaVistas, search engines have come a long way indeed. Some are now defunct, some are struggling while others continue thriving. The current big guys are Google, Bing and Yahoo. We humans, since time immemorial, have always had this strong inner desire to know. This curiosity and courage to go beyond […]

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WordPress – Why and How To Optimise the MySQL Database

May 31, 2017

Since ancient antiquity, humanity has always been forced to come up with ingenious ways of data storage. Data, or rather more specifically knowledge, is crucial to our existence. Be it speculations or facts, it’s always been vital we come up with efficient ways of storage. It’s easy for us to undermine, especially considering the recent […]

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How to Install Spree Ecommerce on CentOS 7

May 31, 2017

Spree is a free and open source e-commerce store application. It is written in Ruby on Rails. Spree is fully featured modular application. It is responsive and fully customizable. It provides a personalized shopping experience to your users. It provides extensive product configuration possibilities so that user can customise the product by themselves. It also […]

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How to Install OpenCart on CentOS 7

May 31, 2017

OpenCart is a free and open source e-commerce web application. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL to store its database. OpenCart is an alternative of Magento and has pretty much a similar set of features. You can easily manage products, categories, customers, coupons and orders. It also has built-in SEO and multi-store feature […]

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How to Install and Configure Cobbler on CentOS 7

May 31, 2017

Cobbler is free and open source Linux installation server Which allows rapid setup of network installation environments. You can install operating systems automatically on multiple systems simultaneously over the network using Cobbler. Cobbler can help with provisioning, managing DNS and DHCP, package updates, power management, configuration management orchestration, and much more. OS installation in Cobbler […]

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How to Install Jenkins on CentOS 7

May 31, 2017

Jenkins is a free and open source CI (Continuous Integration) tool which is written in JAVA. Jenkins is widely used for project development, deployment, and automation. Jenkins allows you to automate the non-human part of the whole software development process. It supports version control tools, including AccuRev, CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, ClearCase and RTC, […]

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WordPress: Import/Export Posts in Bulk

May 30, 2017

Everybody knows that content, or rather more generally data, is king. It’s what is driving the web. It’s what the web is all about. The web was built to exchange and share content. People go to the web because of content. Pretty much all websites out there work with some form of data. 27% of […]

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How to Install GetSimple CMS on Ubuntu 14.04

May 29, 2017

GetSimple is an open source XML based, stand-alone, fully independent and lite Content Management system. It targets small-site market’s so it only includes features that really needs to maintain a website and remove unneccesary features. Released under GNU GPL v3, GetSimple have several main features: XML-Based You can undo almost everyting Easy to Learn UI […]

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How to Install Forma LMS on Ubuntu 14.04

May 29, 2017

Forma LMS is an open source web based e-learning platform or learning management system used to manage and deliver training courses online. Forma LMS is developed as form of Docebo. Several main features of Forma LMS: Engaging User Experience. Flexible User Management. Integrated Certificate System. Talegnt Management Solution. Complete E-learning features. Outstaging report system. Clasroom […]

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