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Working with Dockerfile

May 16, 2016

Dockerfile is a text-based build script, composing of various instructions that contains special instructions in a sequence for building the images from the base images. The instructions inside the Dockerfile can include the base image selection, installing the required application, adding the configuration and the data files, and automatically running the services thus exposing those […]

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How-to Monitor Your Server Performance With PCP and Vector on Ubuntu 14.04

May 16, 2016

Introduction Performance Co-Pilot or PCP is an open source toolkit designed for monitoring and managing system-level performance. These services are distributed and scalable to accommodate the most complex system cofigurations and performance issues. PCP consists of two components : PCP Collectors, this component collects and extracts performance data from various sources, e.g: kernel and database. […]

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How To Install And Use rkhunter On Ubuntu 14.04

May 16, 2016

Introduction If you are using a Linux system and think that your system is 100% secure then you are wrong. Linux is still vulnerable to malware, one type of malware that you might get on Linux is a rookit. A rootkit is a collection of malicious computer software, designed to enable access to a computer […]

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How to Manage a Cloud Server with VestaCP

May 16, 2016

If you have recently purchased a Cloud Server or VPS and you do not have experience with managing a Linux Server, this guide will be very useful for you. VestaCP is an open source control panel to manage a Linux Server. It is a free alternative to cPanel or Plesk. It provides a powerful graphical […]

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How to Install and Setup Orangescrum on Ubuntu 14.04

May 6, 2016

Introduction Orangescrum is a free, open source, flexible project management web application written using CakePHP, ideal for small or medium businesses. It helps you to manage projects, teams, documents, and tasks all in one place. Using OrangeScrum you can organize your tasks, communicate with the team on important issues, and manage project documents easily. It’s […]

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How to Install WordPress on Ubuntu

April 22, 2016

In this tutorial we will how to install WordPress on a VPS running Ubuntu. WordPress is a free, open source and powerful content management system. It is built on PHP and uses MySQL to store its data. It has a very user friendly interface and requires no knowledge of coding skills. WordPress powers more than […]

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How to Create a Continuous Integration Server With Jenkins On Ubuntu 14.04

April 14, 2016

Introduction to Continuous Integration Continuous integration is asoftware development practice where multiple software developers integrate their work at least once daily on a specific branch. This practice will make sure any conflict or integration problem get detected as early as possible. Martin Fowler define Continuous Integration as : software development practice where members of a […]

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How to Install and Use Docker On CentOS-7

April 8, 2016

##Introduction Docker is an open-source tool that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers by providing an additional layer of abstraction of operating system level virtualization on Linux. Docker makes it easier to create, deploy and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the […]

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How to Install LAMP with phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu

April 5, 2016

In this tutorial we’ll learn how to install LAMP (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Ubuntu. A basic web server installation should include these three packages as they are important to serve both static and dynamic pages. Apache web server serves the static web page content. MySQL is Open Source Relational SQL database management system and […]

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Creating Product Categories and Products with WooCommerce

April 1, 2016

Using WooCommerce you can create a catalogue of categories and products on your WordPress website to showcase the goods that you are looking to sell to customers. WooCommerce has a number of product options available to suit all types of physical and digital products. Inventory control options are available to help manage stock levels. Products […]

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How to Install And Configure Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu 15.10

March 29, 2016

Overview Previously we already learned how-to install and configure Apache Tomcat 7 on Ubuntu 14.04. In this tutorial we will learn how-to install Apache Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu 15.10. Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies. Apache Tomcated is powered many […]

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How to Install WordPress and WooCommerce

March 24, 2016

If you’ve not heard of WordPress before, it’s a very popular and successful platform that can create a website very quickly. Being so user-friendly, WordPress surged in popularity being the foundation of many blog post websites. The software is open source and therefore means that many developers have designed site themes and built custom extensions, […]

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How to Setup Magento Promotions – Discounts and Offers

March 17, 2016

With your Magento e-commerce store, from time to time, you may like to add discounts or offers to the items that you have for sale. For example, the timing of a seasonal discount can be an essential boost to your business revenue and it would be important to be able to set when this discount […]

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How To Create Orders in Magento

March 8, 2016

If you are using Magento as your e-commerce solution, it is likely that the majority of your orders will happen online. However, we can use the Magento system to create manual orders such as telephone orders. These orders are created from the Magento admin panel. In the previous guide, we learned ‘How to Add and […]

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How to Add and Manage Customers in Magento

February 12, 2016

The central customer section of Magento plays an important part in adding new customers or managing existing customers. The reason for this is so we can quickly reference customer information to see contact details, update contact information or review sale history. In this guide we’ll explore what options are available when creating new customers, understanding […]

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How To Setup and Manage Magento Pages and Content

January 29, 2016

With Magento you can add, revise and control all of the content on the website. Magento pages are all held in the content management system, or CMS, in the admin panel back end. No programming or technical ability is needed to be able to do this. However, if you’ve used a word processing application before, […]

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How-to Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu 14.04

January 28, 2016

Overview Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. You can deploy a Cassandra cluster on a datacenter or span across multiple datacenters. Apache Cassandra was initially developed on Facebook by Avinash Lakshman […]

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How to Install Riak On Ubuntu 14.04

January 15, 2016

Riak (Riak KV) is a distributed NoSQL database that is highly available, scalable, and easy to operate. Riak KV automatically distributes data across the cluster to ensure fast performance and fault-tolerance. Several key features that Riak has : High Availability. Riak KV is designed to intelligently replicate and retrieve data. Any data that you have […]

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How to Install MongoDB 3 on Ubuntu 14.04

January 15, 2016

MongoDB (from Humongous) is an open source document based database that provides high performance, high availability and automatic scaling. Several key features of MongoDB include : High performance data persistence, in particular support for embedded data models that reduces I/O activity on database. High Availability with replication facility that provides automatic failover and data redundancy. […]

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How To Setup a Python Django Website on HostPresto!

December 23, 2015

How to deploy a Django application to HostPresto! In this tutorial we will deploy a Django Polls project from the official Django tutorial to a HostPresto! Hosting package. If you have started learning Django framework, you should be familiar with this tutorial project. Moreover, you should have this project on your local machine up and […]

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