In this tutorial we are going to learn about managing the catalog of our PrestaShop store. PrestaShop provides an easy to use interface to manage your products and categories. PrestaShop also includes monitoring tools which you can easily keep track of your products and stocks.
To follow this guide, you must have PrestaShop installed and configured. You can read Create an Ecommerce Website with PrestaShop and Setup and Configure PrestaShop Ecommerce Store to install and configure PrestaShop.
You can find the catalog option on the left sidebar. When you hover over the catalog link from the sidebar, you will see several catalog management options available.
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Create a Category
The first thing we should do is to create the categories for our store. categories are very useful as they let us group products according to their similarity. Categories also helps users to find their product quickly. This also enables users to compare the similar products of same category using PrestaShop’s compare feature.
To add a product into the store, the category must be available. To create a new category in your PrestaShop store, go to Catalog >> Categories. In the categories interface you will find some demo categories which were created during PrestaShop installation.
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You can remove the demo category by clicking the down arrow and then selecting Delete button. Once you click the button, you will be asked about the products which are in the categories. The first and recommended option is to associate the products with a parent category and disable then. The second option is to associate the products with the parent category and keep them enabled. The last option is to remove the associate products. As we have demo products in our catalog associated with the category, we can choose the third option to delete the products.
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The Parent category of all the categories in PrestaShop is the Home category. All the categories we create will be a subcategory or child category of Home. We can create as many categories and many level of subcategories we want.
To create a new category, click on Add new category button from top right corner.
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You will see following interface.
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In this interface, you will have to provide the following information.
- Name: Provide a name for your new category.
- Displayed: Choose if you want to publish your category or not.
- Parent Category: Choose a parent category for your new category. You can make it a subcategory of Home to make it a main category, or you can also make it a subcategory of any main category.
- Description: Provide a description for your new category. You can use the WYSIWYG editor to provide a nice looking description with images and videos.
- Category Cover Image: Choose a wide image to use as a cover image for your category.
- Category thumbnail: Provide a thumbnail for your category.
- Meta Title: Provide an SEO friendly Meta Title for your category.
- Meta description: Provide a short SEO friendly description for your new category.
- Meta keywords: Provide Meta keywords, so that search engines know about the keywords of you new category.
- Friendly URL: Choose an SEO friendly URL for your new category.
- Group access: Choose the customer group who will have access to this category. It is recommended to select all available groups.
Once done click on the save button to create a new group. You can create subcategories of a main category by selecting the appropriate parent category. Create a new category using the same method above, but select the parent category other than home.
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Your newly created category will not be visible on the front end, you will have to edit the Top Horizontal Menu module. To edit Top Horizontal Menu, go to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services, from left sidebar, you will see a list of available and installed modules.
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In the list modules, scroll down to find Top Horizontal Menu module.
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Click on the Configure button. You will see interface to configure your Top Horizontal Menu. Select the items you want to display on the menu and click on Add button to add it into selected Items. You can select any CMS page as well as suppliers, manufacturers and both parent category and subcategory.
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You can also choose if you want to display a search bar or not. Click the save button once done, you will see “The settings have been updated.” message. Now if you will check the front end of your store, you should see the New Categories on the Top Horizontal Bar.
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Once we have our category setup, we can start adding products into our store.
Adding Products into the Catalog
To add a new product to your PrestaShop store, go to Catalog >> Products. In the Products interface you will find some demo products which were created during PrestaShop installation.
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You can delete all the demo products all at once by clicking Bulk action menu, and then in Bulk action menu, click on Select All button. You will see that all the products will be selected. Now again in the Bulk action menu, click on Delete selected button. It will ask you for confirmation, press OK button and all the demo products will be deleted from your store.
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To add a new product click on Add new product button from the top right area.
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You will see following interface for adding a new product.
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There are many tabs in Add product interface, in which you may provide informations related to your product. Descriptions of important tabs are as follows.
In this tab, you need to provide basic information of the product.
- Type: Select the type of the product you are adding. You can use Standard Product or Pack of your existing products or Virtual Products.
- Name (required): Provide a public name for your product. It will be displayed to your users.
- Reference Code: This code identifies the product in the back office. You may use any name you want.
- Barcodes: You can provide different Barcodes, which are applicable only for few countries.
- Enabled: You can choose if your product is published or not.
- Visibility: Choose visibility of your product, you can set it to everywhere, Catalog only, Search only or no where.
- Options: Choose option if the product is available to order. If it is available, then price will be shown automatically. If it is not available to order then you can choose if you want to show the price or not. Select if the order is online only, i.e. not sold in your retail store.
- Condition: Choose the condition of the product, you can choose from New, Used or Refurbished.
- Short Description: Provide a short description for your product, which will be shown right under the name of the product.
- Description: Provide a full description of your product. Which will be shown in product page.
- Tags: Choose tags of your product. You can separate multiple tags with comma.
Once done click on Save and stay button, to save your product and stay on the same page to provide more information.
In the prices tab you can manage the price of your product.
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In the prices tab there are three sections, you will see the following options in the Product Price section.
- Pre-tax wholesale price: Provide the wholesale price of your product. It is the price in which you got the product. The wholesale price enables PrestaShop to calculate the profit you are making, thus you will easily get the reports of the profit you make.
- Pre-tax retail price: Provide a retail price for your product before adding taxes.
- Tax rule: Choose a tax rule, which is to be applied when calculating the retail price with tax. You can create or modify the tax rules in Localisation options.
- Retail price with tax: This price will be automatically generated according to your pre-tax retail price and applied tax rule. This price will be the actual price which will be paid by user during purchase.
- Unit price: Applicable when you are selling a pack of products and you want to display their price individually. For example if you are selling a pack of 3 pen drives, then you can put the price of a single pen drive in unit price price field and enter the product name in next text field. So in front office it will show £3 per pen drive.
- On Sale: Select the checkbox if you want to display “On Sale” icon on product page.
Next you will see section for adding specific prices. If you want to set quantity or country based discount, you can add rules here in Specific Price section. You can also add per customer based price here. You will find the following options here.
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- For: In this option you can choose for which currencies, countries and groups, the discount rule is applicable for. This way you can set discounts for a specific group of users.
- Customer: You can specifically set the discount rule for a specific customers. Start typing the letter of his name, and select the customer from the suggestions.
- Available: Choose to availability of the discount for a specific date range. If you do not want to give a date range, simply leave the dates blank.
- Starting at: This option contains the value from which the discount should be added. Default is 1, means any quantity.
- Product price (tax excl.): Provide a tax exclusive flat price for your products.
- Apply a discount of: You can choose a flat discount on the price. When you are choosing a flat discount, you can choose either tax excluded or included. You can also choose a discount based on the percentage. Click Save and stay once done.
The last section you will see is the priority management. For a specific customer there can be many price rules which are applicable. In this section you will be able to choose the priority of the rules for the customer.
In the SEO or Search Engine Optimization you can provide SEO information for your product. In the SEO tab you will find following options.
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- Meta title: Provide a SEO friendly title for your product.
- Meta description: Provide a short SEO rich description for your product.
- Friendly URL: With this option you can edit the friendly URL generated for your product.
In this tab you can associate your product with categories. In Association tab you will find following options.
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- Associated categories: In this option you can choose the categories to assign your product. You can associate your product to more than one category. To expand the tree of categories, click on expand all button.
- Default category: It is useful when a product is associated with many categories, you can choose a default category.
- Accessories: For a product, you can choose the accessories of the products for sale. This way you can increase the sales of your accessories. Start typing the name of the product and choose the accessories from the results.
- Manufacturer (optional): Choose the manufacturer of the product.
In this tab, you will have to provide shipping information including the dimensions of the product.
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Provide package dimensions in package width, height and depth fields. Enter the weight of the package. Now enter the shipping price for the product. Finally choose the carriers through which you want to send the product. If you select no carrier then seller or you will be able to choose any carrier you want.
The next section is product combination, through which we can easily create configurable product.
In the quantities tab, you can provide the stock for your product. You can choose whether or not to use the advanced stock management system for this product. You can manually specify the quantities for the product, or you can choose to automatically determine these quantities based on your warehouse stocks if advanced stock management is enabled.
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If you do not want to use advanced stock management, then simply specify the quantities available. Then choose a default action when product is out of stock, you can use default setting of product configuration page, or you can override the default value by either allowing or denying the orders. Click Save and stay once done.
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In this tab you will also find the availability settings, here you can set the minimum amounts of product required to order the product. You can set to 1 to disable this feature as minimum quantity can never be less than 1. Next you can set the text displayed when product is in stock, you can add something like In stock. You can also add the text when product is out of stock and backordering is allowed, you can add something like Will be in stock soon. Further you can specify a date when product will be in stock.
In this section you can set the images for the product. To add an image click on Add image button, now browse the images you want upload. You can either upload a single image or you can upload more then on images by selecting them with ctrl key. Once you browse the files, you will see a button to upload the files. Choose a caption for your image, if the image is not loaded, then the caption of the image will load. Once the files are uploaded, you will see the list of images as table. Select a cover image of you product, which will be displayed as the first image in product page. You can also drag the image to change it’s position in product page. You can delete an image by using the delete this image button. Click Save and stay once done.
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In the features tab you can specify the product features, for example dimensions, weight. You can also specify product related features, for example for a book, you can specify author name, total pages, ISBN number etc. Features are useful when comparing a product using PrestaShop’s product comparison feature.
Provide the values for the features you want to display on your website. For empty features, the value is not displayed on the product page. You can add a new feature by going to Catalog >> Product Features from sidebar. Then click on Add new feature button to add a new feature.
PrestaShop enables you to attach files on the product page. Customers can download and view the files before making purchases.
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Provide a name for your file in Filename field. Now provide a description of your file and click on Add file button to browse the file. PrestaShop will automatically upload the file and you will see the file in Available attachment list. To add the file to your product page, select the file from Available attachment list and then move it to Attachment for this product list by clicking Add button.
Once done click on Save and stay button. You can also checkout suppliers and warehouse tabs before clicking Save and stay button. You can preview the product page before leaving the product edit interface by clicking Preview button on the top of the page.
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It will open a new tab for you and you can view the page same as your customer will view.
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If everything is ok then you can click on Save button to return to the list of products.
In this tutorial we have learnt to add categories into our store. We also learnt to add products in our catalog. You can now successfully install and configure PrestaShop, and also add products and categories into your Store.