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May 30, 2016

Install and Configure ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus on Ubuntu-14.04

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is an open source help desk and Enterprise IT Management Software division of ZOHO Corporation that simplifies IT management with affordable software that offers the powerful features the largest of enterprises demand.

This software provides an integrated platform where users of any organization can generate their request for IT resources. You can easily keep track on an organization’s IT requirements and assign duties more efficiently using ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.

IT asset management and IT are two operational parts of this tool. ServiceDesk Plus helps the Linux administrator deliver world-class service to end users with reduced costs and complexity.

ServiceDesk Plus is ITIL-ready help desk software with integrated Asset and Project Management capabilities. ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus used to create projects, manage resources, track progress and integrate IT projects with requests and changes to fine-tune the overall IT service delivery.

ServiceDesk Features

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus provides a lot of features, some of the are listed below:

  1. Flexible ticket management with multi channel support
  2. Self Service Portal with automated password reset tool
  3. Service Level Agreements
  4. Mobile support with native iPhone, iPad, and Android apps
  5. Flexible out-of-the-box integration with 3rd party apps
  6. Easy & effective asset management
  7. Incident management, problem management, change magmt & CMDB
  8. Customised help desk reports

This tutorial helps you overcome the initial hiccups of installing ServiceDesk Plus successfully and starting ServiceDesk Plus as a service on an Ubuntu-14.04 server.


A server running Ubuntu-14.04.
A static IP Address for your server.
A non-root user account with sudo privilege set up on your server.

Download ServiceDesk Plus

First you will need to download the ServiceDesk Plus package for Linux.
If you wish to download it using ‘wget’ command then run the command as shown below.

wget https://download.manageengine.com/products/service-desk/91677414/ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_64bit.bin

You should see the following output:

    --2016-05-13 07:09:24--  https://download.manageengine.com/products/service-desk/91677414/ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_64bit.bin
    Resolving download.manageengine.com (download.manageengine.com)...,,, ...
    Connecting to download.manageengine.com (download.manageengine.com)||:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 145159714 (138M) [application/octet-stream]
    Saving to: ‘ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_64bit.bin’

    100%[==========================================================================================================>] 14,51,59,714  475KB/s   in 5m 4s  

    2016-05-13 07:14:29 (466 KB/s) - ‘ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_64bit.bin’ saved [145159714/145159714]

Install ServiceDesk Plus

First, you will need to assign the executable permission to the downloaded .bin file before installing.

You can do this by entering the command below via your command prompt.

sudo chmod +x ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_64bit.bin

Now execute the .bin file to start the installation wizard and follow the instructions to proceed to the Next step as shown below.

sudo ./ManageEngine_ServiceDesk_Plus_64bit.bin -console

You should see the installation wizard as below:

Starting Installation

    InstallShield Wizard

    Initializing InstallShield Wizard...

    Searching for Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
    Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...

    Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus 

    ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is a browser-based, easy-to-use, help desk and
    asset tracking software that improves the productivity and efficiency of your
    help desk, while also lowering IT costs and administrative expenses. It
    automates help desk and service processes, enabling your staff, even if it's
    just you, to be more efficient.

    The InstallShield Wizard will install ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus on your
    computer. To continue, click Next.

    Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 

License Agreement

Read the license agreement or type ‘q’ to guit and then choose the option 1 to accept the license agreement.

    Loading License Agreement....

    Software License Agreement

    This License Agreement details the policy for license of ManageEngine
    ServiceDesk Plus ("Licensed Software") on the following topics:

        * Evaluation License
        * Commercial License
        * Technical Support

    Please read the following license carefully, before either (i) completing the
    electronic order or download of the Licensed Software from an authorised
    website, or (ii) installing the Licensed Software from media that was delivered
    after being ordered by alternative order process, as applicable. You
    acknowledge that you have read this License Agreement, have understood it, and
    agree to be bound by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions
    of this Agreement, either (i) exit the web site page without continuing the
    ordering process, or (ii) return the provided unused media and documentation
    within thirty (30) days from the date of shipment of the Licensed Software for

    Press ENTER to read the text [Type q to quit] q

    Please choose from the following options:

    [ ] 1 - I accept the terms of the license agreement.
    [X] 2 - I do not accept the terms of the license agreement.

    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] 1

Technical Support

If you wish to add your information to the technical support from ManageEngine then add your details here.

    Enter 0 to continue or 1 to make another selection: [0] 0

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1

    Registration for Technical Support (OPTIONAL)

    Name [] Hitesh Jethva

    E-mail Id [] hitjethva@gmail.com

    Phone [] +917405745610

    Company Name [] Hostpresto

Select Country

Choose from the available options and update your country number as shown below:

    [ ] 179 - Uganda
    [ ] 180 - Ukraine
    [ ] 181 - Uruguay
    [ ] 182 - Uzbekistan
    [ ] 183 - Venezuela
    [ ] 184 - Vietnam
    [ ] 185 - Yemen
    [ ] 186 - Yugoslavia
    [ ] 187 - Zambia
    [ ] 188 - Zimbabwe
    [ ] 189 - United Kingdom

Select Edition

You can choose from the three available editions. Here, select the First Enterprise Edition.

    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] 189         

    Enter 0 to continue or 1 to make another selection: [0] 0

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1

    Select the Edition

    [X] 1 - Enterprise Edition
            Helpdesk with Knowledge base, SLA, Asset and Software License Management,
            Project Management , Service Catalog and ITIL compliant Problem and
            Change Management. The Trial version will allow 5 technician login with
            200 nodes.

    [ ] 2 - Standard Edition
            HelpDesk with Knowledge base and SLA. 'Project Management' add-on
            available during trial period.

    [ ] 3 - Professional Edition
            Helpdesk with Knowledge base, SLA, Asset and Software License Management.
            'Project Management' add-on available during trial period.

    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] 1

Installation Location

Here you need to specify a directory or press enter to accept the default directory. Here, choose /opt directory for the installation location.

    Enter 0 to continue or 1 to make another selection: [0] 0

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1

    ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Install Location

    Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory.

    Directory Name: [/root/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk] /opt/

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1

    Enter the Web Server Port Number [8080] 8089

    ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus occupies port 8443 to run the Web server. If you
    want to run it on a different port, specify the same here.

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1

Installation Details

The system will start preparing the summary of your selected components and then start installing on your server. This may take a few minutes, so wait for its completion.

    Enabling Components ...

    Preparing Summary ...

     Details of Installation 

     Installation Directory : /opt/. Product Size : 400.1MB. 

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1

    Installing ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. Please wait...

    0 % complete
    10 % complete
    20 % complete
    30 % complete
    40 % complete
    50 % complete
    60 % complete
    70 % complete
    80 % complete
    90 % complete
    100 % complete

    Creating uninstaller...

    Extracting Files. This will take few minutes. Please wait...

    Extracting Files. This will take few minutes. Please wait...

    Extracting Files. This will take few minutes. Please wait...

    Initialize the pgsql

    The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.
    Choose Finish to exit the wizard.For Support Please mail to: support@servicedeskplus.com
    Press 3 to Finish or 4 to Redisplay [3] 3

Starting ServiceDesk Server

Once installation has been completed, you will need to start the server. To do so change your directory to the bin folder of your installation directory and then run the ‘run.sh’ script to start the ServiceDesk server.

cd /opt/ServiceDesk/bin/

sudo sh run.sh

You should see the following output:

    Not exists

      JBoss Bootstrap Environment

      JBOSS_HOME: /opt/ServiceDesk

      JAVA: ./../jre/bin/java

      JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms128m -Xmx2512m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m  -Dprogram.name=run.sh -Djboss.server.type=com.adventnet.j2ee.deployment.system.AdventNetServerImpl -Djboss.deploy.localcopy=true -Djboss.boot.library.list=log4j-boot.jar,jboss-common.jar,jboss-system.jar,AdventNetDeploymentSystem.jar,commons-logging.jar -Dsdp.java.gc=false -Ddb.home=./../pgsql -Dserver.dir=/opt/ServiceDesk -Dorg.jboss.logging.Log4jService.catchSystemOut=false -Dorg.jboss.logging.Log4jService.catchSystemErr=false -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.adventnet.logging.LogManager -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/ServiceDesk/server/default/conf/logging.xml -Djava.util.logging.config.class=com.adventnet.logging.LoggingScanner -Dlog.dir=/opt/ServiceDesk/server/default -DisSDP=true -Dorg.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=true -Dtier-type=BE -Dtier-id=BE1 -Djava.library.path=/opt/ServiceDesk/lib/native -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Djava.awt.headless=true 

      CLASSPATH: /opt/ServiceDesk/bin/run.jar:./../jre/lib/tools.jar:/opt/ServiceDesk/lib/AdventNetLogging.jar:/opt/ServiceDesk/lib/AdventNetNPrevalent.jar:/opt/ServiceDesk/lib:/opt/ServiceDesk/lib/AdventNetUpdateManagerInstaller.jar


    Server is starting. This may take a couple of minutes ...
    ServerContainer                                   [CREATED]
    SQLOne Search                                     [CREATED]
    AdventNetCC                                       [CREATED]
    AdventNetServiceDesk                              [CREATED]
    ServerContainer                                   [STARTED]
    SQLOne Search                                     [STARTED]
    AdventNetCC                                       [STARTED]
    UpdateManager conf file does not exists
    UpdateManager conf file does not exists
    AdventNetServiceDesk                              [STARTED]

    Server Started.
    Please connect your client at http://localhost:8089

Next, you will need to allow port 8089 through your firewall if you want to access the servicedesk server from remote systems.

You can do this by running the following commands:

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw allow 8089/tcp

ServiceDesk Web Access

Now you can access your ServiceDesk Plus web portal by typing the URL http://server-ip-address:8089 using your favorite web browser, then login with username administrator and password administrator as shown below:

service desk login page

After login, a beautiful dashboard will appear, explore all services and use as per your need.

Click on any of the options and you will find a detailed information about its usage and customisation.

Here is first look at your ServiceDesk Plus Home Page.

service desk admin home

##Installing ServiceDesk as a Linux Service

When you close the session of the ServiceDesk server then it will be stopped. So, you will need to create the servicedesk start up script.

You can create this script by creating servicedesk file inside /etc/init.d directory.

sudo nano /etc/init.d/servicedesk

Add the following content:

    # Startup script for the pmagent

    # chkconfig: 345 99 02
    # description: Run the ServiceDesk-Plus program


    progname="AdventNet ManageEngine ServiceDesk-Plus"
    # Edit the following to indicate the 'bin' directory for your installation

    if [ ! -d "$MDIR" ]
     echo "Invalid directory $MDIR"
        exit 1

            mv -f /var/log/servicedesk-plus.log /var/log/servicedesk-plus1.log
            echo "Starting $progname"
            cd $MDIR
            nohup sh run.sh >/var/log/servicedesk-plus.log 2>&1 &
     [ $RETVAL = 0 ] && touch /var/lock/servicedesk

            echo "Stopping $progname"
            cd $MDIR
            sh shutdown.sh -S >>/var/log/servicedesk-plus.log 2>&1  

    case "$1" in
         echo "Usage: $prog {start|stop}"
         exit 1

    exit $RETVAL 

Next, change its permission to ‘755’ using the following command:

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/servicedesk

Next, you will need to add the script as a startup process and create a blank file under ‘/var/log’ directory for logging purposes.

You can do this by running the following commands:

sudo update-rc.d servicedesk defaults

You should see the following output:

    update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/servicedesk missing LSB information
    update-rc.d: see 
     Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/servicedesk ...
       /etc/rc0.d/K20servicedesk -> ../init.d/servicedesk
       /etc/rc1.d/K20servicedesk -> ../init.d/servicedesk
       /etc/rc6.d/K20servicedesk -> ../init.d/servicedesk
       /etc/rc2.d/S20servicedesk -> ../init.d/servicedesk
       /etc/rc3.d/S20servicedesk -> ../init.d/servicedesk
       /etc/rc4.d/S20servicedesk -> ../init.d/servicedesk
       /etc/rc5.d/S20servicedesk -> ../init.d/servicedesk

sudo touch /var/log/servicedesk-plus.log

Now, your servicedesk service will start during boot. Also, you can easily start and stop servicedesk service using the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/servicedesk start
sudo /etc/init.d/servicedesk stop


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