If you ever need to add a new cPanel account to your WHM account, this can be easily set up and accessible all within a few minutes.
Creating a cPanel account:
Firstly, log into your WHM account. If you are unsure on how to do this, please view the following help article – ‘How to log into WHM‘
Once logged in, from your WHM home screen click on ‘Create A New Account‘
Alternatively you can also access the Create A New Account page by typing in ‘Create‘ in the search box, located in the top left of your WHM area, then click on ‘Create A New Account‘
You will then be taken to the ‘Create A New Account‘ screen.
If you are using WHM as a reseller, At the top of the page you will see the Account Limits section. This will display the current statistics of your WHM account such as how many accounts you can create and disk space remaining.
If you are using WHM on its own cPanel cloud server / logging in as root, you will not see the Account Limts section at the top of the page.
If you then scroll down the page you will see the first area for required information: Domain Information
In the ‘Domain’ box enter the domain name you’d like to use as the main domain for the new cPanel account. In this example we’ve used ‘mynewdomain.com’
The ‘Username’ box will then auto-fill with a username based on the domain name you have entered. If you’d prefer to use a different username please remove the auto-filled username and enter your own.
For Password & Re-type Password there are two options. You can either enter a password of your choosing, which will then display how strong it is in the Strength box underneath.
Alternatively you can click on the ‘Password Generator’ button. This will then open a small window with a randomly generated, very strong password. You can also click on the ‘Regenerate Password’ button within this window to generate another random password, or adjust the password as needed. You will then need to make a note of this password in case you need to pass this on to a client, or access the cPanel at a later date. Once you have noted the password somewhere secure, click on the ‘I have copied this password in a safe place’, followed by the ‘Use Password’ button. This will then auto fill the Password & Re-type Password boxes.
In the ‘Email’ box, enter an email address that you would like to use to be contacted on. This is for if the system needs to send an automated email out regarding the cPanel, such as if the cPanel password is changed, or disk space is running low.
The next section of the Create A New Account page is ‘Choose A Package’
Click on the ‘Choose A Package’ dropdown box and select a package to be used for your cPanel. The package determines the overall cPanel limits for the new account, such as disk space, bandwidth, limit of domains, databases & email addresses that can be added, and amount of emails that can be sent or fail per hour.
In the example below, for this guide we are using a Reseller WHM account, which includes some pre-made packages. The packages marked in Red cannot be used, as they have limits that go beyond the reseller hosting (either in general, or because there is not enough resource left to allocate on the reseller hosting, such as disk space). The packages marked in Green can be used. For this guide have selected ‘reseller1gb’ which will provide a disk space limit of 1GB to the new cPanel once created.
If you are creating a new account via WHM on your own cPanel server, you will normally only see ‘Default’ on this list, along with any packages you have manually created.
If you need to create a new package and are unsure how, please view the following help article – ‘How to add a package within WHM‘
Once you have selected the package for your new cPanel account, the next section will be ‘Settings‘ which contains settings for Locale (the default language to use on the cPanel account), SpamAssassin (this is used for checking inbound emails for spam) and Enable Spam Box (allows emails marked as spam to be sent to a spam folder)
Normally the options will be enabled by default and can be left as is, but if you need to disable (or enable) any specific setting it can be done here.
After this will be the ‘Mail Routing Settings‘. Here you will want to choose how you would like the email for your domain to be routed:
Local Mail Exchanger – Use this option if you will be setting up and using email within the new cPanel account directly
Remote Mail Exchanger – Use this option if you will be using an external mail provider for your domains email (for example Gsuite or Office 365)
If you are unsure click on the ‘Automatically Detect Configuration’ option, which will check your domain’s DNS MX record to determine how email should be routed.
Next is the ‘DNS Settings‘ where you can opt to generate DKIM and SPF records for your domain DNS if using email on the cPanel. Again these options are normally enabled by default, and can be left as is unless you’d prefer to disable (or enable) a specific setting.
Finally once done, click on the ‘Create‘ button at the bottom of the page.
WHM will then process the new cPanel and automatically set this up, which shouldn’t normally take longer than a minute or so.
Once done you should then see an ‘Account Creation Status: OK’ message to confirm that everything went through and the account was created without issue. There will also be an output log underneath this should you wish to double check the creation process.
That’s it – you’ve created a new cPanel account within your WHM area!. If you’d like to go straight in to the new cPanel click on the ‘Go To cPanel‘ Button on this page. Alternatively, the cPanel can be accessed at any time via the ‘List Accounts‘ section of your WHM. If you’re unsure on how to do this, please view the following help article – ‘How to access a cPanel account within WHM‘