If, in the past, you have installed software via Softaculous on your account and you would now like this to be removed, the following instructions help explain how this process is done through your account control panel.
The first step is to log into your cPanel account. If you are unsure on how to do this, please view the following help article – ‘How to log into cPanel‘.
Scroll down to the ‘Software‘ section and choose ‘Softaculous Apps Installer‘.
From the top Softaculous menu bar, locate and click the ‘All Installations‘ box icon as indicated below.
On the installed software item, choose the ‘X’ icon as indicated below.
The uninstall process will now confirm what actions you would like to be perform such as ‘Remove Directory‘, ‘Remove Database‘ and ‘Remove Database User‘. All are usually selected by default, however, if you would like to retain any of these, ensure that they are unticked.
To complete the removal, select the ‘Remove Installation‘ button. The process may now take a few minutes to complete and will confirm that the removal is successful.
Removing software using Softaculous is now complete.