The first version of YaBB SE came out in November 2001 and it has since then undergone a number of changes culminating with 1.5.5 version that has seen YaBB SE grow from being a port for YaBB Perl Software to the present version that caters to many hundreds of community members. However, the product has now been discontinued though users are still using it. Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that YaBB SE had become extremely huge though it did need some amount of improvement and also reworking.
YaBB SE actually stands for Yet Another Bulletin Board Splinter Edition and it first debuted in the fall of the year 2001 at which time the product was Open Source, much like its original predecessor YaBB, which has for long been the most widely used script on the Internet, and if you realize how many people are there that make up the YaBB community, you would understand just how popular this script really is.
All that it meant for YaBB SE was that it was able to capture most of the community from YaBB users and also many first time users as well, thanks mainly due to the fact that with YaBB SE, YaBB code got converted from Perl to PHP, which gave it a head start because Perl tended to be very resource heavy while with PHP the user got a product that worked much faster and used less server resources. It is really a pity that the product has been discontinued because it did have a number of advanced features that are not found on any other board being used at present.
Also, the developers who made the new version of YaBB SE also gave it a new approach that made the product work require just seventy to eighty percent queries, which found a lot of favor with users.