Aside from the hosting service itself, one of the key aspects that should be at the forefront of your considerations is the type of control panel you use to manage your hosting account. It can make your experience a living hell or it can make it web-hosting bliss.
Today, we’re going to go into detail about why cPanel, our favourite control panel and the one we use on all HostPresto hosting accounts trumps all other control panels and why it’s our control panel of choice.
As you may know, we’ve been running cPanel as our core control panel since our inception and there are numerous reasons why we’ve chosen to stick with it over the years. So let’s get started.
Ease of Use
Whether you’re a business user managing a large corporate website or you’re simply a home user hosting a personal website, you’ll love the features cPanel has to offer when it comes to web hosting management. Cpanel in itself is favoured by millions of webmasters around the world and the primary reason for that is quite simply down to its ease of use. Whatever it is you want to do, you can quickly and easily find a way to do it as all features and options are listed right there on the control panel homepage. You don’t have to navigate through section after section like you would do with the likes of Plesk. Everything cPanel is capable of doing is immediately apparent meaning if you want to setup e-mail accounts, databases or view visitor statistics, you can quickly see the section you need and access it with a single click.
Endless Features
Another reason for cPanels popularity in the web hosting control panel stakes is its endless feature list. Sure, you can do all of the regular things like create new email addresses, create databases and manage the files contained in your web hosting FTP space. But you can also do so much more.
Cpanel makes it easy to install applications for example. Lots of them. If you’re looking for cPanel hosting for WordPress for example you can quickly install WordPress via Softaculous at the click of a button. The same goes for Joomla, Drupal and any other CMS you can envisage. It also makes it easier to backup your website via its cPanel backup application and makes restoring historic data a breeze.
One thing you may have noticed with other control panels is that reliability can often be an issue. Whether an update causes it to fail completely, sections don’t load or timeout issues occur. It’s not an enjoyable experience. Not to mention error notices upon performing certain functions that are as clear as mud. Fortunately, you won’t experience any of this with your cPanel hosting plan. It’s robust. It’s rock solid and in 10 years of using it as a control panel personally. I’ve never had a single issue.
These days, lots of sites get hacked. Particularly if you’re running the likes of WordPress coupled with old, vulnerable and outdated plugins. So in this era, you need a control panel that is going to be secure and fortunately cPanel is one of the most secure website control panels out there.
Due to its huge market share, issues are quickly found, diagnosed and patched and the software itself is frequently updated with the latest patches and fixes on an on going basis. This means that your web hosting service will remain completely secure and bug free at all times.
cPanel is also extremely well supported. By us here at HostPresto and buy the cPanel community as a whole. In short, there is nothing we don’t know about cPanel and every feature it offers is extremely well supported. All aspects. If there is something you need to do and are struggling to do it yourself, rest assured our experts will be on hand to assist. It is the most well supported website control panel out there but thankfully it’s so easy to use, so secure and so robust that issues that require advanced support are few and far between.
Whilst there are lots of control panels out there, in fact over 50 with significant user counts. Cpanel most definitely wins out based on all the criteria/aspects above and more.
If you’re looking for a cPanel host who are fully based in the United Kingdom then you need look no further than HostPresto. You can find details of all the various cPanel hosting packages we offer on this page. We have a range of options designed to suit any type of project so have a browse around and see what you think. We guarantee you don’t be disappointed and we just know you’ll end up loving cPanel as much as we do.