If you use the internet rather frequently then an RSS feed is something you should probably know about. An RSS feed is essentially a Rich Site Summary which means that when you want to check out a lot of content specially on different websites you can save time because you need not visit each website separately. It may be considered as a format which is used for delivering updates of regularly changing content on websites. The good part is, by not having to register with various websites to get their feeds you save your inbox from a lot of unnecessary and unwanted mails.
A lot of websites are now adhering to the trend of providing RSS feeds, essentially your device needs software called a feed reader or aggregator to access RSS feeds and this software is compatible with the web, on your desktop or even on your handset.
So what an RSS reader actually does is keep a vigilant watch on all the websites or blogs that you may have subscribed to and it downloads any new updates that it finds and then organises them into a rather convenient user interface for you to check. RSS feeds are also beneficial to the publishers because it allows web syndication automatically. Web syndication essentially means making web feeds available to multiple other sites, so a standard XML file allows the required information to be published once and then to be viewed and processed by many different programs. Thus conclusively RSS feeds make our lives easier and save us from spammed mailboxes yet keeping us updated about everything. It gets around everywhere and will give you the latest happenings on the internet.