Ember.js, according to the authors, is a unique framework designed to help developers create “ambitious” applications. In other words, Ember.js isn’t just for your standard single-page web applications, but various complex mobile and desktop apps too. For instance, Apple Music is one of the best-known examples of an app that was designed with Ember.js.
Ember was built to help address various problems with the existing JavaScript framework. The authors of this solution wanted to make sure that it was easier for developers to bookmark and share URLs on the web, and that routers weren’t treated simply as afterthoughts. Additionally, Ember.js is all about making complex app development easy, so it comes with a fantastic user interface and amazing client-side functionality.
While Ember.js doesn’t have the visibility or background of things like AngularJS, that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t proven its value countless times. Already, Ember.js has been used by Yahoo!, LivingSocial, Zendesk, and many other companies.
Futuristic App Creation
Thanks to the support of the Babel JavaScript transpiler feature, Ember.js ensures that modern developers can make the most of future JavaScript standards, transpiling them into browsers for use today. For those who aren’t familiar with the term “transpiling”, it’s a play on compiling. While compiling is about transforming source codes into a new language that’s very different, “transpiling” is about moving code into a language that’s similar – such as moving code between versions of Javascript.
Babel is the JavaScript transpiling solution that benefits from a host of popular plugins and is compatible with a range of frameworks including Meteor, Rails, and of course, Ember.js.
Well-Defined Best Practices
Ember comes pre-equipped with well-defined best-practices for how it’s structured. This ensures that developers using this system can focus entirely on creating the best application possible, through unique features and functionality. When developers don’t have to worry about reinventing the wheel with new and complicated code, they can generally get more done a lot faster. There’s less prototyping to be done, and more building, which means that apps can go to market within a matter of weeks.
In simple terms, Ember.js was designed for better productivity, and its conventions help with this. Designed with developers in mind, Ember.js also works with plenty of unique APIs that help to make apps truly amazing.
Simple and Straightforward to Use
Sometimes referenced as the “WordPress” of the JavaScript world, Ember.js is absolutely committed to the backward compatibility features that many developers love about WordPress. This simply means that you can make changes to your software through new versions, without making changes that would stop older versions to discontinue their performance. This makes apps created by Ember.js, as well as the system itself easier to use for developers who want to focus on customer or end-user experience.
Backward compatibility is something that the WordPress CMS is devoted to, so you can see why people make the comparison. You can remove depreciations in Ember with major version updates, but new features won’t break the app with people using older version of the framework.
A Highly Customisable Service
The easy-to-use Ember.js UI becomes even more impressive when you consider the wide range of templates available within the system. These are written using the Handlebars templating language, which was named for the handlebar appearance of double-curly brackets. The system allows developers to create amazing applications with minimal amounts of code. The less code that goes into an application, the less likely that app is to suffer from bugs and disruptions in the future.
The templates in Ember.js make a lot of new features possible in the system, including Expressions, Outlets, and Components. Additionally, your templates will be automatically updated whenever anything is changed within their underlying data. This means it’s quicker to roll out new versions of apps.
Additionally, when it comes to customisation, you can always check out the EmberAddons.com website, which acts as a repository of Ember plugins. The library is constantly updated by the thriving Ember developer community, and it comes with everything the modern creator could need, including tools for autocomplete functionality, caching and more.
The Ember Command Line Utility
While Ember.js and Ember CLI isn’t the same thing, they both complement each other perfectly. The Ember-CLI is a command line utility that comes with the Ember framework stack. For someone outside of the developer community, a CLI is simply an interface that helps humans to interact more easily with computer operating systems. The CLI for Ember is packed full of great productivity features, making it easier for everyone to get started.
It’s no wonder that Ember has gone into everything from Microsoft, to Blue Apron, Groupon, Kickstarter, and Netflix today.