Though you can find a number of other helpdesk support software to use for your business or individual needs, you need to stop and consider whether they will, in fact, have all of the necessary features that will benefit you the most. Thus, you should look for features such as total email integration, interaction log, flexibility in categorization capability, and also a self-service customer portal. In addition, good helpdesk support software must also make use of a user-friendly knowledge base. The good news is that all of these features are readily found in Support Logic.
As you would expect from a product such as Support Logic, it is open source and thus anyone can use and even distribute it as long as nothing is changed in the software. Before you get stuck into using Support Logic, you need to create a database for Support Logic to use into which all the data it requires can be stored.
Because it has so many features, Support Logic is being used by thousands of satisfied clients and this application that allows users to get a structured support system is certainly a cut above the rest. In fact, Support Logic also has multiple email addresses as well as panels for administration, as well as for users and staff and it features canned responses as well as supports HTML tags and have a limit on number of emails per user and per day, as well as allows for attachments.
However, it differs from osTicket in that it does not have POP 3 login and it also does not have the features found in Help Center Live such as auto save chat transcripts, though it is still a very advanced system for building good customer relationships and Support Logic should be on the top of the list of all desirable helpdesk support software.