Ever wondered how to configure the <span id="urn:enhancement-23b7003a-7ee8-e163-4ee9-4a96665e3190" class="textannotation disambiguated wl-thing wl-no-link" itemid="http://data.wordlift.io/wl0226/entity/performance">performance</span> of WordFence in <span id="urn:enhancement-0f9fc19a-3732-8876-7bef-7146a061c279" class="textannotation disambiguated wl-thing wl-no-link" itemid="http://data.wordlift.io/wl0226/entity/wordpress_2">WordPress</span>? If so, the wondering can stop, as here's a short, easy to follow, step by step guide.
Installing WordFence Security
First things first, you will need to be logged into your WordPress account. Unsure how? Here’s a guide How To Login To WordPress.
Now successfully logged into WordPress, Scroll down “Dashboard“until you find the “Plugins” link.
Next, you will need to hover over “Plugins” then click the “Add new” button.
Once on the “Plugins” page, in the search bar, search for “WordFence“, then hit enter.
Now you will need to install “WordFence“, simply click install.
Once the installer has finished installing WordFence click “Activate Plugin”
Now WordFence is installed to wordpress, it’s time to set it up.
Setting up WordFence Security
Once installed, go to your Wordfence options in the side menu.
Once on WordFence options, your next task will be to type your preferred email address where you would like the alerts to be sent, to do this, simply type the desired email into “Where to email alerts”
Uncheck Enable Live Traffic View. Live Traffic View is a nice feature that lets you see the real time activity of your site, but it causes a slow down in page load time, particularly on a high traffic site.
Finally, uncheck “Alert when someone is locked out from login”
Setting up WordFence Performance
Find WordFence security in your WordPress Dashboard.
Hover over it and select “Performance Setup”
Change the “Caching” to Enable WordFence Falcon Engine, 30 to 50 times speed enhancement.
You will the be forced to download a backup of your .htaccess, once downloaded, simply click the “Click to enable Falcon Engine”