Using the Visual Editor for creating or editing posts in <span id="urn:local-text-annotation-7qhh8d7mna8bciyuem7x9hubdl56h8uz" class="textannotation wl-no-link disambiguated wl-thing" itemid="">WordPress</span> is quick and easy, but if you prefer to write your own <span id="urn:local-text-annotation-2uks5eirqw6v7zbohn5c2b7rdq3ady14" class="textannotation wl-no-link disambiguated wl-thing" itemid="">HTML</span> in your posts, switching to the HTML editor every time you create a new post or edit a post can be annoying, but with our simple guide below you can change the default editor to be the HTML editor:
Log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard:
In your Dashboard, hover over ‘Appearance’ and select ‘Editor’:
At the right, select ‘Theme Functions’ (functions.php) Once the editor loads, insert the following code:add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "html";') );
Click on ‘Update File’.
The HTML Editor will now be the default instead of the Visual Editor.