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8 Core Differences Between cPanel and Plesk

October 1, 2018

If you’re looking for a control panel to help you manage your hosted WordPress website, then you can’t go wrong with two of the most popular options on the market, Plesk, and cPanel. In a lot of ways, Plesk and cPanel are very similar, as they most allow website managers to access more control over […]

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Getting to Grips with Node.js

October 1, 2018

Node.JS is an innovative JavaScript runtime solution built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. An asynchronous event-driven runtime solution, Node is intended to help developers make more scalable and responsive network applications. With Node, developers can handle multiple connections concurrently and achieve better outcomes with their applications. Node offers an alternative solution to the common […]

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What Is Filemaker and What Can It Be Used For?

October 1, 2018

In a competitive business world, companies from all verticals need to work fast and stay creative if they want to keep ahead of the curve. Unfortunately, many of us end up being overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks we need to complete each day. We find ourselves wishing for a tool that would help […]

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How to Start a Blog That Makes You Money!

September 23, 2018

Have you ever considered launching your blog? A blog isn’t just a great way to share your thoughts and opinions with the world. Used correctly, the right blog, with a compelling content strategy can help you to successfully build some additional income over time, through things like affiliate marketing and the opportunity to sell your […]

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7 Tips on Making Your Website More Mobile Friendly

September 23, 2018

All the way back in 2014, mobile browsing officially overtook web browsing as the preferred way for people to go online. This means that desktop experiences should no longer be the only thing that web designers consider when they’re creating the perfect website for their users. If you want to reach the broadest audience and […]

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How to Start a Fashion Blog

September 23, 2018

Have you always had amazing fashion sense? Maybe your style stuns your friends and family, and you’ve finally decided that you’re ready to share your tips and tricks with the world? In today’s digital environment, it couldn’t be easier for people with an eye for fashion to take their passion online. A fashion blog gives […]

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Want to Register a Trademark? Here’s How to Do It in 6 Steps!

September 23, 2018

One of the first things you’ll need to do when you’re setting up a business or building a new brand is register a trademark. After you’ve chosen your all-important business name, designed a stunning logo, and made sure that you have a snappy slogan to show off your company, it’s time to think about how […]

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5 Different Web Hosting Solutions for Personal Websites

September 23, 2018

So, you’ve decided to launch a website! Congratulations – now all you need to do is figure out how to successfully get it all up and running. Many people assume that launching a website is as simple as deciding what they want their site to be about and paying a graphic designer to bring their […]

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WordPress in 2018 Infographic

September 4, 2018

WordPress has come on leaps and bounds since it’s first release in 2003. It’s community has grown considerably, and the growth only seems to be increasing. WordPress is now the most used CMS on the market and it’s miles ahead of it’s nearest competitors. We’ve collected statistics for WordPress usage in 2018 and have 10 […]

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7 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Website for Your Business

September 2, 2018

Ready to take your business online? The first thing you’re going to need is an attractive and reliable website to deliver your business strategy to your customers. These days, practically every business – large and small already has a website. If you haven’t created one for your company yet, then you could be missing out […]

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The Best eCommerce Platform for Starting an Online Shop in 2018

September 2, 2018

For those who are planning on starting a new eCommerce business this year, it’s worth thinking about how you’re going to host and support your new business. Your website will be the source of your livelihood going forward, so it’s crucial to make sure that you’re using the right eCommerce platform to encourage long-term success. […]

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7 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Website

September 2, 2018

Your website is the very backbone of your online existence. It’s the ultimate bridge connecting your company to a stream of potential buyers. In fact, in today’s digital world, it’s practically impossible for any business to go without a website. The good news is that building your own site today is much easier than it […]

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How to Start Your Own Web Design Company

September 2, 2018

Once you’ve finished learning how to create incredible websites, you might decide that you want to turn your new skill into a career. After all, it’s easier than ever to run a service-based business online today, and there are countless people out there who can benefit from a service like web design. As exciting as […]

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7 Website Types: Which One is Right for You?

September 2, 2018

The online world is a gigantic place. There are literally billions of websites online today, all competing to attract customers, fans, followers, and other people their way. If you’re thinking of carving out your own space on the web, then one of the first things you’ll need to do is decide what kind of website […]

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WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla: Which Is Right for You?

September 2, 2018

If you’re planning on building a website, then the easiest way to get started is with a content management system. The trouble is, there are so many different CMS solutions out there today, that it’s hard to know which one you should be using. Drupal, WordPress and Joomla are all popular options for today’s webmasters, […]

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8 Tips for Choosing a Good Domain Name

September 2, 2018

There are plenty of different things that play a significant role in the success of your business. Your domain name is just one of them. Your domain name dictates where your visitors will find both you, and your content, and it also helps to highlight how visible your website will be. As the online world […]

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Slow WordPress Blog? 8 Tips to Speed it Up

September 2, 2018

Want serious success with your WordPress site? The most important thing you can probably do is speed up your loading times. Although you’ll still need a blog that’s packed full of useful information and helpful content, speed really does count in today’s digital world. Not only do fast loading pages improve the experience that your […]

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Considering Running an Online Shop? 10 Things to Think About

July 27, 2018

Running an online store can be a great way to bring extra money into your household. It can even help you find your feet as an entrepreneur and allow you to say goodbye to your traditional job once and for all. Regardless of whether you want to run an online store as a side project, […]

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The Pros and Cons of Becoming a Full-Time Freelancer

July 27, 2018

Think of the term “freelancer,” and there’s a good chance the first thing that comes to mind for most people is the idea of working in pyjamas from the comfort of your sofa. While it’s safe to say that you do have a lot more control over your working environment when you’re a freelancer, there’s […]

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Social Stalemate? 10 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Interactions

July 27, 2018

Social media is one of the most powerful tools in the digital marketing world. With the right profile, you can connect with your customer on a deeper level, inspire loyalty, and turn potential leads into repeat sales. However, sometimes, no matter how hard you try to get the right response, you can find yourself struggling […]

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