News & Updates
Do You Need Unlimited Disk Space?
We strongly recommend you research before you opt for any web hosting provider. While big companies have an established reputation and offer cheap prices and numerous cool extras, like a free domain name, or discount coupons on some of other services, they may not always handle the big amount of customer requests, since they have […]
Technology and Business: Partners in Crime
We’re not talking about partners in crime in literal meanings. We are emphasizing on the camaraderie that these fields share with one another. Business needs technology. Technology cannot live without business. In the perspective of a business owner A business owner can say and attest to the importance and necessity of technology in his business. […]
Facts vs Lies: On Internet Marketing
Don’t be fooled by marketers who are eyeing on you to get important data and eventually rob money. There are many internet marketing service companies today. Just search online and you’ll get a full load of list. Among these items are only few trustworthy companies that you can choose from in order to help you […]
E-Commerce Builders and the Three big S’s to Consider
E-commerce has gradually transformed the way people around the world purchase and sell products of all types. The Internet makes it possible for anyone to quickly find and purchase anything they may need or want without having to leave the comfort of their homes. What’s more, vendors can reach potential customers all over the world […]
Great New Design/ Development Tools
June has been a grand month for new tools. Some of the latest development/ design tools and libraries to hit the scene during last month certainly tie up some of the ‘loose ends’ needing attention on the Web. Here are some of the best of them. Portkit – Say goodbye to cross-platform continuity worries, because […]
DNS Hosting Outages caused by potentially related DDoS Attacks
The beginning of July saw a set of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks slamming at least three DNS hosting/ domain name management providers. It is believed that these attacks may have been related. TPP Wholesale, easyDNS and DNSimple all reported temporary degradation and outages of DNS services believed to be the result of DDoS […]
Cloud Back-ups and Factors worth Consideration
Cloud back-ups offer a range of key advantages in comparison to traditional back-up solutions. Such advantages include lower hardware requirements and increased security and protection of data against loss, theft, fires or natural disasters in spite of lower on-premise security requirements. In addition, cloud-back-ups often provide many extra enterprise-level features without adding t the cost. […]
Broadband in Britain – it’s a Lottery
A recent study conducted by BroadBandChoices revealed that over 10% of Britain’s Internet users are basically being penalised for where they happen to live. In essence, households are subjected to a post code lottery that often means some users pay double what others living close to them pay. Often, this is combined with much slower […]
Drupal, Joomla and WordPress – the Pros and Cons
Choosing a content managements system can be confusing, to say the least. There are so many different options on offer, finding the best CMS can be difficult. Out of all the possibilities populating the Internet, three products stand out way above the rest. They are Drupal, Joomla and WordPress. Even once the choice has been […]
9 Premium, Xara’s latest Web Designer
Designed to make Web design a little easier for novices, Xara’s 9 Premium Web designer features a DTP-like, friendly interface and an array of widgets, free buttons and many more design elements. Starting off with a sample project to make sure users get used to the product’s features, Web Designer 9 features a large, modern […]
The new Web-based RSS Reader by AOL
AOL’s new RSS news reader is now open to the public in the shape of a beta version. Featuring a nice lay-out coupled with a strong set of tools for scanning. organising RSS feeds, it is currently only available as a Web browser, but apparently, an app version is in the making. As it is, […]
Covering you Online Tracks
The digital world allows for very few secrets, with companies collecting, collating and analysing user data for profit and governments doing the same in the name of national security. According to experts and privacy advocates, most users are not even aware of being tracked. For this reason, these experts suggest that new policies and laws […]
Starting right with Web Development Projects
The temptation to ‘dive’ straight into the process of developing a Website as soon as a project contract has been agreed upon is incredible. Unfortunately, getting stuck in without careful initial planning all too often results in projects becoming exceptionally messy and difficult to deal with. So how do you start a project effectively? The […]
Time Cloaking, the latest in Data Security
The thought that governments may be able to freely peruse anyone’s personal communications as and when they feel like it is quite disturbing to most Internet users. Research conducted by Purdue University into hiding data by developing time cloaks will subsequently be received as good news by all (except, maybe, governments). While turning on phase […]
Facebook to reduce Ad Options
At present, marketers wishing to advertise on Facebook face an overwhelming number of 27 different format options. While most of these options do have their own advantages, many of them actually serve to accomplish similar goals. As the choice has been somewhat confusing, Facebook has now decided to streamline their ad services. Cutting back to […]
Malware still Thriving on Facebook
The battle between White Hats and cyber crime is far from over – and things are not looking terribly well for the White Hats. This is clearly shown by a Trojan horse known as Zeus. Now in its sixth year, Zeus is a programme cheerfully continuing to drain users’ bank accounts via Facebook. This particularly […]
The Basics of Adobe’s Creative Cloud
At the beginning of May 2013, Adobe announced that there will be no more new versions of the company’s Creative Suite desktop software. The new offering will be Creative Cloud, a cloud platform available to users on a subscription basis. Here is what Web designers and marketers need to know about the move from CS […]
Brief Guide to Blogging Etiquette
Blogging is a wonderful way to share content with potentially huge audiences and meet a lot of like-minded, great-to-know people in the process. But – as with everything else – every rose has its thorn, and sometimes those thorns can create quite a bit of ‘blogging drama’. The following ‘rules’ of blogging etiquette should help […]
Spam, Swindles and other Search Result ‘Nasties’
For most Internet users, journeys across the Web start with searches. Sadly, this fact is with alarming frequency exploited by shady individuals using link exchanges, excessive keyword use and other techniques of manipulation to push their devious content high up within search engine results. While all major search engines – such as, for instance Google, […]
TextWrangler by Bare Bones Software
Described as a powerfully useful tool and a good ‘citizen’ for Mac OS, TextWrangler is a general purpose and programming text editor, manipulator and transformer that is valuable as a Unix/ Server administrator tool. Developed in best bare Bones Software tradition, the software offers ease of use, high performance and a rich set of features. […]