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5 Contact Form Plugins for WordPress

July 12, 2017

The first plugin often install when we setup our WordPress blog is the ever popular contact form plugin. Which one you use will ultimately come down to a matter of preference as pretty much all of the ones in the marketplace perform the basic function of sending you e-mail as expected. But we do like […]

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10 Chrome Extensions Which Assist in Online Marketing

July 11, 2017

Online marketing is often a tough, tedious job. Especially if you want to achieve any significant level of success. It’s a lot of leg work often going through tiring and cumbersome processes to make sure your on site and off site campaigns are functioning at their optimum. But fortunately, there are tools out there to […]

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10 Hosting Types Explained

July 11, 2017

We often get asked here at HostPresto, what are the differences between the various hosting types we offer. On top of that people are keen to know how all of the various plans and packages stack up and what hosting type, plan or package would be best suited to a given customers project at hand. […]

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How to get a Site Approved on AdSense

July 5, 2017

AdSense is without a doubt the go-to ad network of choice for web publishers. It’s ease of use, advertising reach, integration features and earning potential makes it a clear winner across the board. But unfortunately, not everyone can use it. Getting a site approved for Google AdSense can be tough and often time consuming. Google […]

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5 Alternatives to WooCommerce

July 3, 2017

WooCommerce has long been the go to storefront option for many WordPress users. Its easy integration into existing WordPress blog setups coupled with the fact it’s free and has an extensive feature list makes it a clear winner for most. But there are alternatives, some of which may well be a better solution for your […]

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The 10 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress

June 30, 2017

All bloggers long for more traffic, but as we all know generating traffic to any site, blog or otherwise, is a challenge. Most people tend to focus on “offsite” campaigns be it link building, media advertising or paid click sources but have you ever considered there could well be more traffic to be had just […]

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Our 10 Favourite Free WordPress Themes

June 30, 2017

Following on from my recent post featuring premium wordpress themes, I’ve decided to put together a list of what I consider the top 10 free themes for your blog. All of the below have been tried and tested over time and all of them whilst looking visually stunning all come with feature rich admin panels […]

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The 5 Best WordPress Caching Plugins

June 30, 2017

As good as WordPress is, it does have its flaws. Let’s be honest, it’s not the fastest CMS out there. It’s quite bulky and if you have any traffic of note, without proper optimisation, you’re going to run into issues. Combine this with lots of constantly called CSS/JS files utilised by your theme and the […]

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The Top 10 Most Popular Softaculous Apps

June 30, 2017

One of the most popular features of our web hosting packages is the Softaculous autoinstaller application. Softaculous allows you to install a range of applications (400+) at the click of a button. All you need to do is populate it with basic information and off it goes making the downloading and uploading of huge scripts […]

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Building a Better Blog – 10 Things to Consider

June 29, 2017

Established bloggers often ask themselves the same question. How can I make my blog better? There are so many tips, tutorials and ideas floating around for first time bloggers but not so much for the more established breed. So today we’re going to change that. Below I’m going to run through some ideas you should […]

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Make Money Online – Start a Niche Blog

June 28, 2017

The easiest way to make money online is to start a niche blog. Some would argue that building out an affiliate site is better. Some swear by e-commerce and some think that you need to actual offer a product or service to churn out a living. But that’s simply not true. The truth is that […]

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5 Great Alternatives to Google AdSense for Bloggers

June 28, 2017

Making a living online is quite a challenge. Even the thought of monetization is enough to send first timer bloggers into a blind panic. But there is help at hand. Whilst most bloggers tend to gravitate towards the tried and tested Google AdSense platform for their monetization needs there are some fantastic alternatives out there. […]

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5 SEO Tools You Shouldn’t Live Without

June 26, 2017

Marketing any website, be it a personal blog or commercial site is a real challenge in 2017. Pretty much every niche is saturated in terms of competition and the chances of finding a niche that doesn’t include a whole host of big brands and major players is ridiculously slim. So all things considered, if you […]

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Getting Started in WordPress Theme Development

June 26, 2017

Theme Development for WordPress is one of those things that sounds a lot more difficult than it really is. In truth, to create a theme from a given HTML/CSS design is actually fairly simple. You essentially just need to split your design into different (specific) files and include a few lines of PHP to handle […]

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First Time Blogger – Choosing A Web Host

June 26, 2017

Making the decision to start your own blog is often a relatively easy one in the grand scheme of things. It’s the technical aspects that often throw up problems. Choosing a domain name, finding a web host and actually building a blog are often the steps that pose challenges. And don’t even get me started […]

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Essential Plugin Types Every WordPress Site Needs

June 26, 2017

WordPress has become the most popular Content Management System in the world and it is easy to see why. It offers unrivalled flexibility for experts and beginners alike and is incredibly easy and intuitive to use. Even if you’re not an expert developer there are certain things you should do with your WordPress site to […]

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10 Great Sites for First Time Bloggers

June 22, 2017

Starting a blog can be a little daunting. I’m sure there are hundreds of questions running through your mind surrounding the ins and outs of the process – but in truth, there is really not that much to know. Like with most things in life, it isn’t always about knowing the answer. It’s about knowing […]

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Our Top 10 Premium WordPress Themes

June 22, 2017

Here at HostPresto! we’re huge fans of WordPress. Not only was our site built on it, we’ve also created a bunch of highly optimised WordPress hosting plans for our clients – and they’re proving popular. What was once a mere blogging platform has transmuted over time into the fully fledged website and content management system […]

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The Benefits Of Using Visual Composer In WordPress

June 20, 2017

The fine folks at WPBakery have created a WordPress plugin that has revolutionized website development for everyone, and what’s more, it’s quick and easy to download Visual Composer on Envato. For those who need to build or maintain a website but have never touched code, Visual Composer makes the process totally accessible. A visual Composer […]

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7 Ways to Monetize Your Blog

June 20, 2017

There are primarily two types of bloggers in the blogosphere. There are the ones who do it for fun or their passion for a particular subject and there are those who do it with the sole intention of making money. Sure, the lines get blurred and there are obviously bloggers who are passionate about a […]

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