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How To Add Google AdSense To Your Site And Make Money

November 8, 2017

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways to monetize your website. Did you know that you can easily add Google AdSense to your WordPress site and start making money? In this article, we will show you how to add Google AdSense in WordPress along with sharing some best practice and tips to increase […]

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What’s the Difference Between Posts vs. Pages in WordPress?

November 6, 2017

Often WordPress beginners can get confused between posts and pages. By default, WordPress comes with two content types, posts and pages. As a beginner, you are probably wondering what is the difference between them? They seem to have similar fields on the dashboard and look the same on the website. Why do I need both? When […]

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The Top 5 Platforms for Running Your Ecommerce Website

November 2, 2017

As customers around the world demand more convenience, more speed, and more features than ever from their online stores, eCommerce companies around the world are under an increasing amount of pressure. You need to be able to deliver powerful solutions through your platforms, regardless of whether you’re new to the game, or you’ve been around […]

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SEO SmackDown: Majestic Vs SEMrush

November 2, 2017

Organic rankings and effective SEO are key to the performance of any well-established website online today. Without the right solutions to take your search engine optimisation to the next level, you could find that you never stop lagging your competitors as you struggle to rank for the keywords and phrases your customers are searching for. […]

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10 Simple Ways to Speed Up Your Drupal Site

November 2, 2017

If you’re thinking of running a website to keep your business active and up to date, then you’re going to need a framework to get you started. While most people seem to think that WordPress or Joomla are their only options, the truth is that Drupal remains to be one of the most efficient and […]

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6 Great Tools for Creating Featured Images

November 2, 2017

When it comes to marketing yourself online, connecting with your social followers, or simply improving your overall brand presence, it’s important to remember that a picture really can be worth a thousand words. Unfortunately, finding the right fresh and engaging picture for your website or blog isn’t always as simple as it should be. When […]

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Why Linux Hosting Is Simply Better than Windows

November 2, 2017

Deciding on the perfect host for your web server is a crucial choice for many webmasters. The two primary options available today are Linux hosting, and Windows hosting. While each comes with its own specific benefits, most people prefer to stick to Linux over Windows, and this is no coincidence. While Windows continues to be […]

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How To Add Navigation Menu’s In WordPress

October 27, 2017

Navigation menus allow you to present a site structure to your users. They help users find information and browse through different sections of your website. Since navigation menus are so important, they are usually placed close to the header in most WordPress themes. WordPress comes with a navigation menu system that makes it quite easy […]

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Framework Smackdown: Bootstrap vs Semantic-UI

October 17, 2017

Creating the right website or application is a process that often relies on the use of the right framework. Unfortunately, there are so many different frameworks available, that it can be difficult for developers to decide which option is the most appealing for their upcoming task or application. Both Bootstrap and Semantic UI are popular […]

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5 Things to Consider When Starting a Company Website

October 17, 2017

Your website is crucial to your existence as a modern company. It’s practically impossible to run a successful brand without investing plenty of time and effort into your online presence, as your website will help to raise awareness for your company, and bridge the gap between you, and any potential new customers who are looking […]

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5 Ways to Clean Up Your Linux Server

October 17, 2017

A clean server is a fast and effective server. In other words, the more time you devote to clearing out your files, and removing trash from your back-end, the more likely you are to have a reliable and productive solution. The only problem is, while there seem to be countless options available for cleaning a […]

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10 PPC Tricks You Might Not Know About

October 17, 2017

Companies advertising with AdWords, and marketers that specialise in PPC are often in the unenviable position of having to keep track of a constantly changing, and constantly growing industry. Google spends a lot of time switching things up in the digital environment, by making constant changes to its algorithm and platforms. However, the good news […]

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Container Technologies and Orchestration Engines: The Options

October 17, 2017

Software containers are like digital shipping containers. They hold everything that your application needs to work, from operating systems to configuration files, to libraries, application binaries, and more. Once your container has been defined, the image that you create can be used to develop additional containers that run in any environment, on-premise, or in the […]

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How To Build An Email List In WordPress

October 12, 2017

An email list consists of the email addresses of users who have voluntarily signed up on your website to receive email updates in a newsletter or special announcement format. This can be a vital tool for blogs and small business’ as it allows you to stay in touch with your existing and potential customers on […]

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Should I learn Django or Node.JS?

October 10, 2017

Comparing Django to Node.JS is a difficult concept, because Django is a web framework, while Node.JS is simply a library that was written for the JavaScript V8 Engine. In other words, comparing the two is a lot like looking at apples and oranges. While you can’t compare Node.JS and Django perfectly, what you can do […]

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Understanding the MEAN Stack

October 10, 2017

“MEAN” in the coding world is a term used to refer to a full-stack, user-friendly JavaScript framework typically used to build dynamic applications and websites. It’s a form of open-source, free stack that’s intended to help growing and professional developers access a range of powerful resources for creating prototypes in their MEAN-based applications. One of […]

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10 Great Ways to Build More Blog Traffic

October 10, 2017

A website blog can be a powerful thing. Not only does it give you more opportunities to rank online for crucial keywords and phrases, but your blog also allows you to deliver value to your audience, so you can earn their trust and loyalty over time. With the right blog, you can convert visitors into […]

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The Impact of IoT: How it Will Affect Our Lives

October 10, 2017

Recently, experts have begun to predict that by 2020, we’re going to have more than 20 billion connected devices in the world. Although some people consider IoT to be in the realm of science fiction, the truth is that it’s quickly becoming an integral part of daily life. Although there’s still a lot to be […]

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5 Web-based Prototyping and Wireframing Tools to Consider

October 10, 2017

When it comes to web development, it’s important to remember that results are everything. You could have the best design this side of the globe, but you won’t know how effective it is until you’ve found a way to see it in action. Prototyping and wireframing tools are the solutions that developers use to bridge […]

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How To Add Keywords And Meta Descriptions In WordPress

October 9, 2017

Meta keywords and meta descriptions allow you to add extra information to your WordPress posts to increase their search ranking and your own website‘s SEO. Keywords are important words or phrases that people are likely to search for if they were looking for the content you are publishing whilst a meta description is a brief […]

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