It is reality that computers and internet has affected our lives radically. Thus the access to our personal
information presents serious privacy issues. The rise of social media has made the matters worse and it
looks as if the problem is not getting solved sometime soon. Social media companies obviously have their
work cut out to keep their promises to their customers and they haven’t been up to the mark so far. Both
Facebook and Path have been responsible for privacy mishaps and have been charged with millions of
dollars. Here are some of the major privacy concerns:
- Social Media Accounts Merging
Social media sites are becoming increasingly adaptable. Various websites are becoming more
interconnected than ever before. LinkedIn to Twitter, Facebook to LinkedIn and many small sites are
jumping on board trying to get a piece of the big pie. The popular media websites are inevitably going to
win with smaller firms bought or acquired for their innovative features and cutting edge plug-ins. But
similar to growing companies there are some growing problems while absorbing the new features and
functions. Some companies may overlook the privacy considerations while adapting and this may cause
problems for users. Therefore while selecting a new online site, familiarize yourselves with the possible
risks while linking the accounts. You need to avoid your personal data falling in wrong hands.
- Single Access Sign Ins
Simplicity is bliss as most of the sites are finding out especially while logging in. Several social media
sites have adapted single access sign in page but even in this case you might be sharing your data with
another party. Almost all social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook are there to make money. Easy
linking of the accounts across various sites gives them an easy way of accessing and sharing your
information. At the moment it is not possible for you to stop a company from getting your private info but
this could become bad in future.
Universal Online Privacy Legislation
It is a fact that the personal info you share with different sites is not entirely safe. Popular sites such as
Facebook and Twitter hold an abundance of info about their users. It is clear from recent developments
that privacy leaks from theses social media giants is not avoidable. A universal privacy legislation is
required for the safety of the customers. Otherwise the users will be at the mercy of the social media