Wondering how to add an account in Outlook? Here’s a simple, easy to use guide.
Firstly, open Outlook on your device, and you will be prompted to set up an account.
Click manual setup or additional server types, then hit next.
Now you’ll need to decide whether you want to use POP3 or IMAP.
POP3: Select this option if you wish to store your emails on your device, and only access your email account from one device.
IMAP: Select this if you wish to save your emails on our server, and be able to read your emails from multiple devices (e.g, laptop, tablet, iPhone)
If you decide to use POP3, use the following steps.
After this, fill in your Username and Email into the required boxes, and select POP3 if this is not auto selected.
For the incoming and outgoing server types, fill in with the server your are on. ie fs08.freshsites.co.uk (if you are unsure, email us on support@freshsites.co.uk and we’ll let you know)
Type your Username (your full email address) and Password (the password you set when creating the email account in cPanel), then hit the “More Settings” icon, then the “Advanced” icon.
Set the incoming port to “995” and SMTP (outgoing) port should be “465”.
You will need to tick the “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)” box.
If your choice was IMAP, you should use the same steps but selecting IMAP from the drop down box instead of POP3, and also using the outgoing port “993” instead of “995”
Next, on the same menu, click the “Outgoing server” tab.
Then you will need to tick “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication, then click “use same setting as my incoming mail-server” button
All is left to do, is hit “OK” then “Next”