Have you seen the verified author section in <span id="urn:enhancement-46e0413b-4393-2dcb-e285-c54d32408519" class="textannotation disambiguated wl-organization wl-no-link" itemid="http://data.wordlift.io/wl0226/entity/google_2">Google</span> <span id="urn:enhancement-9d99d8b2-a194-eefe-a718-0a0515495972" class="textannotation disambiguated wl-thing wl-no-link" itemid="http://data.wordlift.io/wl0226/entity/search_engine_technology_2">search</span> results and wondered how to get it for your <span id="urn:enhancement-54994f41-7dc0-6c94-d6e8-94d6f2a4fa63" class="textannotation disambiguated wl-thing wl-no-link" itemid="http://data.wordlift.io/wl0226/entity/website">website</span>? If you're not quite sure what I'm talking about, it looks like this:
Notice the author’s picture, and name? There’s even been talk that having verified author status for your blog can slightly improve search engine performance, and thus increase traffic to your website, and it’s simple to add, so follow our simple steps and add it to your WordPress blog today.
Firstly, log into your WordPress Admin Dashboard:
Hover over ‘Appearance’ and select ‘Editor’:
At the right, select ‘Header’ (header.php).
The editor will load up the header.php file.
Add the following code after the ‘<head>’ tag:
<link rel="author"href="https://plus.google.com/100456785087606709352/posts"/>
changing the link to your own Google Plus profile link.
Now visit your Google+ account and add a link to your site in the contributors section. Double check to make sure +1’s are public, or verified authorship won’t work.
Now all you need to do is sit back, relax, and wait for Google to re-crawl your website, once it picks up the author tag you added, your verified authorship should show up in search results for your posts.