When done with the right techniques and tactics, PPC can be one of the best ways to deliver real, valuable traffic to your website, and your business. While a lot of people prefer SEO for its long-term results, PPC is a faster way to start generating interest for your brand when you’re just getting started online. In fact, SEO and PPC combined can be the perfect way to start really turbo-charging your company recognition.
Unfortunately, because PPC has long been a powerful way to start delivering qualified and high-intent traffic to your landing page, it’s a very competitive and expensive way to start generating clicks. The good news is that there are plenty of unique tricks that you can use to overwhelm the competition and get some incredible results. While you’re going to need to put a little extra work into the tactics ahead, the results are worth IT.
While there are many different PPC traffic-generation tactics online to choose from, here are just some of our favourites to get you started on your online journey.
1. Make Sure your Mobile-Optimised
Back in 2015, mobile searches overtook desktop searches for the first time. Ever since then, the power of mobile browsing has been growing significantly over time. Now, most people spend a great deal of their time doing the online activities they need to do each day from their smartphone, instead of a standard computer. As such, you need to make sure that your PPC ads reach out to mobile users.
Mobile advertising and desktop advertising are very different. You need to make sure that your PPC adds on Google place high if you want to be seen, which means ensuring that you find the best possible keywords for your niche. Since a lot of people look for the companies they need while they’re nearby, thinking about optimising for local search could be a great way to get started.
Remember, as well as optimising your campaigns for mobile, you’ll also need to re-design your landing pages for an exceptional mobile experience. Mobile-first web design will help to ensure that you don’t end up losing valuable customers because your site is difficult to use on a smaller screen.
2. Try Retargeting
The vast majority of customers who visit your website aren’t going to convert the first time they get there. These people don’t yet have a great amount of trust in your company, and they’re frequently distracted by other things that pull them away from your website, and leave your checkout disastrously lonely. The good news is that you’ve already gotten them interested, now all you need to do is find a way to bring them back.
Retargeting is a simple marketing technique that allows you to place a cookie on your customer’s browser. Using that small piece of data, you can ensure that you continue to advertise to the people who have already heard about your brand. This is an incredibly effective way to improve the performance of your PPC advertising efforts. Since retargeting clicks don’t cost very much, almost every PPC campaign is sure to perform better when you add retargeting to the mix.
3. Upgrade with Social and Search
There’s more to an exceptional PPC campaign than simply showing up on the Google search results. While AdWords can be fantastic for your company, paid search isn’t the only effective way to get involved with PPC. Combining your efforts with SEO searches through your content marketing efforts, and social connections could help you to attract more valuable traffic.
Think about using social promotion to build awareness for your brand, as well as blog posts and content marketing to show off your value as a company. The more you do this, the more you’ll create recognition for your company that makes people feel more confident about buying from you. Remember, people are far more likely to buy from an organisation they feel familiar with, so giving yourself, a name online can be powerful.
While combining PPC with search and social can take a lot of time and effort, it can also produce significant value, so don’t overlook it!
4. Bid on Branded Competitor Terms
The unfortunate truth of the competitive online world is that if you’re not bidding on your competition’s branded terms, then they’re probably bidding on yours. The reason for this is that the people who search for your branded terms are an exceptional source of landing page traffic for both your competitors and you because they’re clearly looking for whatever you and the other people in your industry have to offer.
Making sure that you bid on the branded terms of your competitors could allow you to get your advertisements in front of some of your competition’s potential customers. If you can then win those leads over with a better offer, then you’ll be earning customers everywhere you go. Plus, if you set up your landing page effectively, you might even be able to steal repeat customers form your competitors too.
5. Don’t Invest In Under-Performing Ads
Finally, no matter how well you think you’re doing online, it’s important to make sure that you’re putting plenty of time and effort into tracking your campaign performance. Following the results of your PPC campaigns will help you to make sure that you’re always spending the most money on the ads that are delivering real results while getting rid of any campaigns that simply aren’t working for your business.
Make sure you learn as much as you can about which keywords and tactics are working for you, by tracking your conversions and marketing spend all the way through your campaign. Reducing your non-productive expense on PPC can free up a lot of important budget that you might be able to use to drive more effective results to your landing pages. The last thing you want is to spend your budget on something that’s not going to deliver any value in return.
Make sure that you’re always tracking your campaigns, and optimising accordingly.