If you have a large number of files to upload to the Internet, you will want to use an ftp program. Once of easiest and more common ftp programs available is Filezilla. Filezilla is easy to use if you follow a few easy steps.
The first step to uploading files using Filezilla is to connect to an ftp server. To access your ftp server, you should enter the server address into the host field in the Quickconnect bar. If the server type is secure or is another special type of server, you should enter the protocol, like “ftp://”, before the address.
If the port you are using is not your default port, you should then enter the server port in the port field. If your ftp connection requires a user name and password, enter that information in the correct fields.
After your information is put into the correct fields, you should connect to your ftp server by selecting Quickconnect or by pressing Enter.
After you have connected to your ftp server, you will see a list of your files and folders that are on the server on the right side of your screen. Your current folder will be liste at the top. If you want to change the current folder, double click the folder you want to select or enter your folder name into the edit field. You can also open your folder by right clicking on our folder and selecting open from the drop down menu that appears.
You will also need to access files from your computer. The folders on your computer are displayed as a tree for easier access. You can also navigate files on the server as a tree, but the default setting keeps the tree hidden. It is easy to change the default file or folder by clicking on the file or folder in the tree.
To upload or download the files, you should select he file by double clicking the file. After you have selected your file, it will be added to a transfer queue. The transfer will begin automatically. If you would like to transfer more than one file at a time, you can right click the file or folder and select the correct option on the pop up menu.
If you want an easier way to transfer files, you can simply drag and drop files from one side of the screen to the other. If you want to transfer more than one file at a time using this method, you can select them and select “Add to Queue” from the menu. To begin the transfer, click the transfer button on the toolbar.
Transferring files from the Internet to your computer or from your computer to the Internet is an easy process that is made simpler by using an ftp server and a simple ftp program. Filezilla is one of the easiest programs. Just follow the simple instructions included here and you will be on your way to transferring your files quickly and easily.