A clean server is a fast and effective server. In other words, the more time you devote to clearing out your files, and removing trash from your back-end, the more likely you are to have a reliable and productive solution. The only problem is, while there seem to be countless options available for cleaning a Windows server, there aren’t as many opportunities available for people who use the Linux server instead.
The good news is that while you might not know as much about the tools available to help you make the most out of your Linux file system, that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Believe it or not, there is actually a range of different solutions out there for users to choose from, designed with functions that will implement efficiency and stability into your server in no time. Regardless of which of the following five choices you go with, you can rest assured that each tool should deliver something useful when it comes to keeping your Linux file system clean.
1. BleachBit
A useful and powerful tool designed to help you clean up your existing disk space on a Linux server and improve your security, BleachBit is a popular option for both Windows and Linux users. Helpful when it comes to freeing up various caches, clearing your internet history, deleting cookies, and shredding unnecessary temporary files and logs, BleachBit can discard countless types of junk – some of which you might have not even recognised on your system.
The application uses an incredible GUI which allows users to quickly and easily select what they want to clean most. Rather than simply picking out file types and files, you can go through a range of options and select from different system listings and app options. It’s also possible to determine which directories and drives your BleachBit solution should clean, complete with previews into what it’s going to do before any action takes place.
BleachBit is somewhat more powerful than some of the other tools on this list, so make sure that you use it with caution.
2. Synaptic
There’s a fantastic feature available within Synaptic that allows users to get rid of any unwanted configuration files and unnecessary information. This feature is also a solution that’s built into a range of other package managers too. Usually, it’s a solution that customers can turn to when they want to get rid of the dependency packages that remain when they choose uninstall certain packages from their machine. This tool is not only incredibly simple to use, but it’s also a powerful solution too if you’re looking to clear out your Linux server as quickly and effectively as possible.
All you need to do to use the Synaptic tool is click on the status section in the lower left-hand corner, and select the “Residual Config” option in the upper-left pane. Once you’re ready, you’ll be able to select any of the configuration files that you no longer want to keep on your Linux server. You can then click apply to remove the options you chose from your system.
3. Cruft
A useful command-line tool that examines your system and removes anything that shouldn’t be present on your Linux Server, Cruft is a great way to clear up your experience. The Cruft system gathers the majority of the results it gets from the dkpg database, and it also features a list of additional files that might appear during the life of various package removals and installations in your server. There is a range of options available when you’re clearing out your system, including:
- -r for output report files
- -ignore to ignore certain directories
- -chroots – this means that the system won’t perform any checks on symlinks under certain directories
- -d search only a specified range of drives
4. GConf-Cleaner
The GConf-Cleaner solution for Linux servers is a powerful tool that’s similar to a Windows registry cleaner. The tool browses through the full GConf database for GNOME and removes any obsolete entities or unused data. It’s a very simple strategy to use when you’re cleaning up your server and depending on how old your current computer is, it should be able to find a range of different entries that can be removed to speed up and enhance your system.
As you might have gathered already, GConf-Cleaner is a GUI tool, and it should be used with plenty of caution, as is the case with a standard Windows registry cleaner. Though most people won’t have problems using this specific tool, it’s worth noting that it does have the potential to remove essential GNOME configurations when it isn’t used properly. The positive news is that if you do have problems with your GNOME desktop, you can always remove the directory in full, and begin your system again from a fresh start.
5. GtkOrphan
Finally, the GtkOrphan option allows Linux users to quickly and simply remove orphaned packages from their Debian system. Importantly, you’ll need to install this strategy yourself from a command line or from Synaptic to use it. GtkOrphan is the front-end option for deborphan, and it works to scan your system and determine how much has been orphaned within your available libraries.
Depending on the amount of unnecessary and junk files available, this tool can actually clear up a lot of space within your Linux server. However, it’s important to remember that just like with any other application that can remove libraries, you’ll need to use this strategy with care and caution if you’re removing anything that might be essential.
Be Careful with Cleaning your Linux Server
Ultimately, there are several options available for people who want to clean up their Linux system. However, the above five options should be enough to help you keep your system as clear and free as possible. The important thing to keep in mind is that when you’re cleaning out a system, you’re going to need to use caution if you want to get the best results.
Careful attention to detail is particularly important when you’re dealing with dependencies, libraries, and anything else that will require root permission to remove.