Is your sites wordpress editor toolbar missing? The admin bar is the dark bar that appears at the top of every page of your WordPress site when you are logged in. It contains shortcuts to different sections of your WordPress admin area. In this article, we’ll show you how to solve the missing admin bar issue.
Why Does The Missing Admin Bar Issue Occur?
Usually, when your admin bar goes missing, it can be down to your theme settings. You may have a plugin or active theme that is preventing WordPress from properly executing the code in the footer area of your website.
This code is triggered with the function:<?php wp_footer(); ?>
When a theme is missing this code, or a plugin does something that messes it up, then you will end up with the missing WordPress admin bar issue.
Fixing The Missing Admin Bar
Here are 5 things to check:
- Make sure your theme has wp_head(); in it.
- Make sure your theme has wp_footer(); in it.
- Using the WordPress left navigation in the admin section.. go to Users -> “Your Profile” … one of the checkboxes at the top reads: “Show Toolbar when viewing site” — make sure that’s checked on.
If you’ve done all of the above & the WordPress admin bar is still not showing up, check for CSS/HTML conflicts.
- The WordPress admin bar uses a class ID of #wpadminbar – make sure you’re not overwriting those styles.
- <ul> and <li> – the WP admin top bar use <ul>’s and <li>’s — be sure you’re not overwriting the styles that make them show.
- Check your source code and search for “wpadminbar” – make sure the thing is actually showing up!
- Ask your WordPress Host for help! – We would be more than happy to help you find out why your WordPress admin bar is not showing up.
If adding the wp_footer() function to your theme does not solve the issue for you, then there are other things you can do to troubleshoot this error.
If you switch back to a default theme, you may see the wp_footer function in your theme files, but the admin bar still might not work. In this case, you need to switch to a default theme to make sure that your current theme is not causing this issue.
A poorly coded plugin can cause this error as well, so to check if a plugin has caused this issue, you need to deactivate and re-activate all plugins one by one. If this solves your problem then one of your plugins was causing the issue.
Lastly, you can Enable Debugging Mode In WordPress To View Errors In WP-Config. WordPress will now show you warnings and notices that were previously hidden. These warnings and notices can hint towards the file causing this issue.