Online marketing is often a tough, tedious job. Especially if you want to achieve any significant level of success. It’s a lot of leg work often going through tiring and cumbersome processes to make sure your on site and off site campaigns are functioning at their optimum. But fortunately, there are tools out there to make your life that little bit easier.
Today we’re going to run through 10 popular extensions for Chrome which can assist in your online marketing efforts. Most are geared towards and SEO angle but there are a few in there which will simply assist in making your website better thus providing your visitors with the best user experience possible.
1. Mozbar
The Mozbar is one of the most popular “SEO Toolbars” in the arena. It performs a variety of tasks but it’s most basic feature is that of simply showing Page Authority, Domain Authority and Link Count metrics for any website you access in your browser or listings you view via Google’s search results. You can also highlight keywords, expose HTML attributes and highlight which links are do follow / no follow at the click of a button.
2. Check My Links
The check my links extension performs a relatively straight forward tasks but can save you a significant amount of time. In short, it simply checks the links on a given page in advance and let’s you know if the pages linked do in fact exist or not. This can be a god send for example if you’ve written an article that contains a lot of links to additional resources. It will run through and tell you if any links are broken.
3. Meta SEO Inspector
Search engines make use of meta data and the data contained within can influence your search engine position placement significantly. The Meta SEO inspector plugin basically shows you, usually hidden information that is contained within the meta data of a given page. It will also give you tips and advice on what to correct for example if your meta description tag is too long it will warn you.
4. Keywords Everywhere
One of my favourite plugins particularly since Google updated its AdWords keyword planner. Activate the plugin and search for any keyword on Google and it will report back the monthly search volume for that term along with CPC (cost per click) costs. It will also provide you with additional, related keywords along with their volume and click price.
5. NoFollow
An extremely simple extension but one that is a borderline necessity. Especially these days. All it does is highlight any “no follow” links within a given page and also report if there is any no index or no archive meta data contained within. This can be a huge help, especially when identifying link sources and such.
6. Link Grabber
A simple yet effective plugin which can save you a ton of time whilst performing your regular outreach tasks. Link Grabber will check for external links on a given page and list them all in a user friendly format in a new tab. You can then quickly and easily cycle through them. As an example, imagine viewing a blog post with 1000’s of comments from other, link minded webmasters. This plugin would literally take all their homepage links and list them.
7. User Agent Switcher
Seeing how your website renders in different browsers is a must for would be designers and developers. This extension assists with that. By changing the user agent you can see how a website would perform if it came across the user agent in question. It is also good for checking what other websites are displaying to the likes of Google.
8. Page Load Time
A fast loading website is a must these days and this extension aims to assist with that. Whilst is won’t actually speed up your website, it will report on your load time and score it. It will also show you where the time is being lost (if at all). For example, you may see increased times for image loading which would lead to you scaling down your imagery. Or you may see latency / DNS issues which may prompt you to change host.
9. Ahrefs SEO Toolbar
Another SEO toolbar that many run in conjunction with Moz. The offering from Ahrefs is pretty similar and will report the usual metrics of domain authority, page authority and various link counts. However, what sets the Ahrefs SEO toolbar apart is its link history reporting where not only can you see the total count but can also delve into the entire history of the link and analyze it in its own right.
10. SEO Quake
SEO Quake brands itself as an SEO toolbox as opposed to simply a traditional toolbar. If there were ever a metric you wanted to review in an SEO sense then you’d no doubt find it via Quake. It obviously has all of the usual metrics but also reports other information such as Google cache date, Facebook likes, Pinterest pins and Linked In share counts. Overall when all metrics are combined you get a nice, clear picture as to how good a resource your site is or your competitors sites are.
This list could go on as there are numerous great extensions for Chrome which can provide a variety of solutions to every day, mundane tasks. But for now, if you’re looking for a starting point, the list above will provide it.
Please keep in mind though like with any add on, plugin or extension – you may suffer performance issues if you’re running all extensions all of the time. Especially with some of the heavier toolbar type applications.